Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tagged...and thinking about the bucket list

Jenn at Just Add Water, Silly has tagged me to answer a few questions. It seemed like a simple task, which is my limit these days. Even so, one item brought me up short and made me realize that my lifelong goals are not still something "out there." Read on, and you'll come to that.

4 Things in My Purse:
* Instructions for the new booster seat we’ll use when I drive my grandson to preschool starting this week
* Unused coupons and gift cards for coffee, bread, and two lunches
* Giant collection of keys (soon to diminish when I surrender my 7 work-related keys)
* An iPod Touch that I rarely use—and I’m not sure why

4 Things in My Desk (at Home):
* A silver “Peace in Guatemala” medallion from the Rigoberta Menchu Foundation
* A wonderfully tiny digital voice recorder
* Photo paper in various sizes
* An unused package of hand-held fireworks (sparklers)

4 Favorite Things in My Bedroom:
* Sleek and sturdy oak furniture I bought long ago and still love
* Counted cross-stitch wall hangings made by Peter’s sister and mother—I used to read them to Augie and discovered that he soon learned them by heart
* A dream-catcher
* A sweet taupe pitcher that was my first pottery purchase

4 Things I Enjoy Very Much at the Moment:
* Simplifying—recycling or tossing accumulated papers, clothes, and junk collectibles to reclaim space
* Playing “drum concerts” with the kids
* Hiring someone to help with the cleaning
* Blogging

4 Songs I Can't Get Out of My Head:
* “At Last”…the version by Eva Cassidy, who sang like an angel and died much too young
* A couple of Dr. John’s blues piano riffs…I hear them in my head and find myself playing air piano
* “I Want to Be Your Personal Penguin” by Sandra Boynton…just one of her many great kids’ songs
* “Little Red Rooster,” an old Willie Dixon tune recorded live by the Rolling Stones with Eric Clapton—they should have stayed a blues band!

4 Things I Always Wanted to Do (but Haven't Yet):
* Learn to paint acrylics and/or water colors (which is why I was drawn to Jenn’s site)
* Win the Powerball lottery

Seriously, I don't have much of a "bucket list." Of the things I "always wanted to do," apparently (a) I’ve done it or (b) it’s no longer important to me. I just want to live the life I've built for myself (with the help of others), and that doesn't require big travels or achievements or ... Okay, I just remembered I've always thought about a hot-air balloon ride, but I'm not sure it's in the "want to do" category. Still, I'm sure I'll be remaking that list over the next months and years (I hope!) as I move into retirement. And finally,

4 Things You Don't Know About Me:
* My sleep number is 45.
* I have no tattoos, but if I had the nerve I’d get my eyelids lined to save time and avoid smudged eye makeup. I do NOT have the nerve.
* My favorite candle scents are cinnamon, vanilla, and a wonderful cranberry-orange holiday blend.
* I am fascinated by the information we put out there about ourselves, on the chance that someone will enjoy reading it. I think it’s a new way of bonding…not better or worse than in-person, just different.

So how about you? I’m supposed to tag four people, but not everybody enjoys memes, so let’s open it up instead. Answer these questions, and if you let me know I’ll link to you.

P.S. Having mentioned Jenn, I want to show you the lovely handmade scarf and bookmark (complete with jewels) she sent me when I won her giveaway celebrating her 150th follower. As I told her, I’d been using a receipt for a bookmark; this is much classier. And the scarf will be great with my winter coat when the Minnesota winds get blowing!


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