Sheep poop boots. When the kids were in Montana, they visited a ranch that had hundreds of new lambs. Augie reported that they'd had to wear boots, which Pa promptly dubbed "sheep poop boots." Both kids laughed, and they immediately began practicing that tongue-twister.
Pumpernickel pantyhose. Mommy made a wonderful batch of pumpernickel rye, which Augie called "Mom's brown bread." We'd already had hilarity over Grandma's
pantyhose, so Pa, noting that said pantyhose were also brown, dubbed them "pumpernickel pantyhose." Again, much laughing and much repetition, working to get all the syllables just right. Augie loves wordplay, so even after he's mastered it he laughs and repeats, laughs and repeats. Vi loves the shared laughter, and she's having a great time playing these games...and just incidentally expanding her vocabulary and improving pronunciation.
With guacamole. Last night Mommy made guacamole. Vi loved it, and she quickly learned to say it. All day today, Pa and the kids repeated "sheep poop boots and pumpernickel pantyhose
with guacamole."And laughed themselves silly.
Bonus joke.Augie:
Why did the chicken cross the playground?Grandma: I don't know; why?
To get to the other slide.