Saturday, November 6, 2010

Countdown to retirement

Five weeks left! That means ten more trips to the office  before I'm officially done. I don't feel sad; it's a very positive change. But even positive change can be difficult. I'm finding it hard to focus, so writing anything - for work or my blog or any other purpose - takes much longer than it normally would. (That's why I've hardly written anything here for several weeks.)

I have three big projects to finish at work, and I keep encountering problems. It's as if I get all the buttons buttoned and then they begin to pop open, one after another.It gets more and more difficult to find the grit and determination to close them up again...and glue and nail them shut.

The fact that I'm doing some of my work from home, and that home is filled with grandkids so much of the time, certainly complicates things. But my colleagues are being extremely patient and understanding. After 28 years on the job, people are willing to cut me a little slack. Bless 'em. And me. I've earned it.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat, part 2...

We've just been visited by a pair of adorable trick-or-treaters...a Unicorn and a Max Wearing His Wolf Suit. Augie's Grandma Anita made him a similar wolf suit two years ago, and he has loved it ever since, so she made a new, taller version this year. It does seem that Halloween goes well with the concept of Where the Wild Things Are! ViMae wanted to wear her Dorothy dress but it's too cold, so she made do by carrying her favorite Dorothy basket. Mommy is tough...she only allowed me to give them one candy bar each.


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