Monday, February 8, 2016

Overthinking the Obvious

A funny thing happens when I step away from blogging for a while.

When I decide it's time to post again, I feel as though the new post has to be fabulous--good enough to make up for all those posts I didn't write. I begin to think I have to explain what I've been doing, what I've learned, what on earth could possibly have taken me away from the keyboard for all this time (more than two months, in this case). I want to be witty and charming and full of wisdom so that if you really do decide to read my post after all this time, you'll be delighted that I'm back. That's pressure!

And that phrase--"I'm back"--implies that I'll be posting regularly again, so now, in some part of my brain, I have added pressure to come up with a handful of topics for the immediate future and the discipline to address them in a timely fashion.

In other words, I've been overthinking it. I've started three different posts. But each one was burdened with too much information, too many competing goals, too many words.

So here's the simple truth. I've been busy, I've had a whole lot of other commitments, and I haven't been able to write. I have some stories to share with you, mostly about my delightful grandkids, of course, and I'll be back in this space again soon. Meanwhile I have enjoyed your posts on a fairly regular basis and it seems that, as the Beatles once said, "Life goes on."  Oh-bla-di bla-da.

Happy to be back.


Teresa Evangeline said...

I was thinking of you yesterday morning, wondering how you were doing and so am glad to see you here again, but no pressure. I have been through a similar self-discussion ... :)

Jeanie said...

You are overthinking it! It is always good to see you -- and remember, you own the blog. The blog doesn't own you. Which means if you want to take off a month or two to have a life, you are allowed. If you want to post simply you can and if you want to write a lot you can. And just know that others like me are always happy to be with you whenever you post, we welcome your visits and we look forward to your news!

So welcome back, whatever back may be!

DJan said...

What they said. I am always glad to see you pop up in my Reader, no matter how long it's been. You are a virtual friend who has a life apart from blogging, but I'm glad you do eventually come back to say hello. :-)

stephen Hayes said...

Sometimes it helps to take a break and recharge one's batteries. I look forward to your posts, whenever you write them.

Pauline Persing said...

This blog was perfect. I have been lax lately with blogging, too. You are right. It was feeling like I needed to do something special to make up for all the days I was doing something else. You made me feel much more comfortable about my come and go blogging. Thank you.

joeh said...

What pressure, it's just a blog and a bunch of knuckleheads reading it. Take your time and post when you feel like it.

But it better be good!

Linda Myers said...

Always good to see your blog post, Nancy. No pressure, though!

Rian said...

"Stuff happens..." - that's my excuse when I haven't blogged in a while. Don't overthink it. We're glad you're back.

Sally Wessely said...

It is always nice to read what you post. I totally understand what you are saying. I go through many times like you are going through too. Live gets busy. Writing takes a backseat.

troutbirder said...

It's supposed to be fun! So write when the mood strikes. The pay isn't great so the reward is any enjoyment you come by. My favorite is the comments...:)

Golden To Silver Val said...

Welcome back. I look forward to reading your posts again.

Midlife Roadtripper said...

I like the comment that you own the blog -- it doesn't own you. So post with whatever you have in your head. I understand the need for posting something of merit when not having done so in a while. For me, I always need a story to tell the the story, if that makes any sense. At any rate, glad to see you.

Unknown said...

I understand completely!

BECKY said...

I understand and agree with everything! And I LOVE the song, Ob La Di, Ob La Da. I'm a new follower, Nancy!

Anita said...

You've expressed, very well, the feelings I've had over the last year of scarce blog writing. It's like we have to make a grand entrance when "coming back." :)

When I think of how I feel when I read a post of someone who has been absent, I don't have over-the-top expectations; just the sameness and quality that I'm accustomed to getting from them.

Best wishes with all of your other activities!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Write what you like for you!! It is always fun to read what you write! :)

Lisa@GrandmasBriefs said...

Enjoy the time away. Family first, blogging... last.

Just thinking of you. {{{{hugs}}}}


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