1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2. Your hair? short
3. Your mother? missed

4. Your father? elderly
5. Your favorite food? chocolate
6. Your dream last night? anxiety
7. Your favorite drink? tea
8. Your dream/goal? retirement

10. Your hobby? gardening
11. Your fear? itself
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? healthy
13. Where were you last night? blogging
14. Something you aren’t? royalty

16. Wish list item? Powerball
17. Where did you grow up? Hibbing
18. Last thing you did? ever?
19. What are you wearing? jammies
20. Your TV? widescreen

21. Your pet? annoying
22. Your friends? dispersed
23. Your life? fulfilling
24. Your mood? enhanced
25. Missing someone? yes
26. Vehicle? Jeep

28. Your favorite store? Amazon
29. Your favorite color? burgundy
30. When was the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? dunno
32. Your best friend? Augie
33. One place that I go over and over? ballpark
34. One person who emails me regularly? boss
35. Favorite place to eat? den
Try it! If you do, help yourself to the Over the Top patch and link back to me, if you would. I'll be interested to see how you responded.
Yay...you did it! I love the "dunno"...now THAT'S one-word creativity! LOL
Thank you for playing along.
Interesting! Learned a lot about you with just one word.
I second Moogie. (had to tell you that the "word verification" I got with this comment box was "blissell.") lol
Mood = enhanced.. enhanced how?
Yes, I learned a lot about you from just one word. Very cool. And I love that new banner picture...
Thanks, all. Mood enhanced by anti-depressant (Zoloft) at this time of year (long winter, short days, not much light). Until I did this, I always felt like I was walking along in a trench about two feet lower than anybody else. I'd have to haul myself up to ground level just to say hello.
Ah yes, thank God for anti-depressants. Even then it's hard to keep your spirits up sometimes.
Especially with tax time right around the corner!
Mmm chocolate...
That was great!
Very interesting how much information a one word answer can convey. It was fun to learn those things about you.
Something tells me that if you accomplish number 8, then you'll get rid of number 34. That may be worth a shot. And I totally wish on my powerball ticket ALL. THE. TIME. A girl can dream...
You aren't royalty? Well who is going to knight me then?
Loved this! As I do all your posts. And I like you even more! Have a great weekend!
Great one word answers..born in Hibbing..are you a little Finn? Or just plain Finnished..that what Far Guy says about me:)
@Far Side: actually I was born in St. Paul and then we moved to Hibbing. I'm German, Danish, and Czech, but a couple of my friends were Finnish.
Loved reading this!!
This was great-- now I know you so much better! I'm going to run it tomorrow-- thanks for the idea and the lovely and generous offer!
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