Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wednesday's Word: Introspective

Bonus word: Pisces.

Augie often chews his lip when deep in concentration, and if you ask a question he may choose not to answer. He's probably processing everything that has happened recently, which would account for his astonishing recall. Long silences are a habit we share, a fact I attribute (with a straight face) to our both being Pisces. To one born under the sign of the fish, getting lost in thought can feel like swimming to the bottom of the sea. Often we just sit together holding hands, thinking our separate thoughts until we swim back to the surface.


Kathy said...

I think that is wonderful that a child his age would actually take a moment to sit in thought. I doubt many kids his age would do that with. That's awesome!

DJan said...

What a wonderful thing to have: a kindred spirit grandchild. He's a real treasure, and I am so glad you have shared him, and your relationship with him, with me. Hugs to you today.

Indigo Roth said...

Hey Nancy, I remember someone telling me once that silence can often be interpreted a sign of intelligence. I feel this is true here. As for being water signs, I feel the same lure to the water as a Scorpio. My thoughts run deep and sometimes take weeks to surface. Indigo

Jeanie said...

He is a wise little boy. A thoughtful silence can be much better than too many words at times. Very cute picture.

Allyson said...

This explains SOOOO much about my husband. Actually, I had just attributed it to him being male and not wanting to listen to his wife. But frequently I will ask him a question and wait and wait and wait and finally I'll say "did you hear me" and he will SURFACE FROM SUCH A GREAT DEPTH THAT I WILL WONDER WHERE HIS SCUBA GEAR IS and say "what were you saying??"

But as a virgo I can be equally as obnoxious so I'm gonna let it go. ;) But thanks for cluing me in!

Cheryl said...

Yes, we Pisces are a dreamy lot. He's adorable.

f8hasit said...

I love the picture! I've known some deep thinking inrospecive Pisces...it someimes drives BOTH of us Gemini's crazy. We take the silence as a double ignore...

Teresa Evangeline said...

How can you go wrong with a name like Augie? I Love it! And, the face of sweet intelligence. How fine it is to sit in thoughtful silence with a child.

Nancy said...

How wonderful that you understand him so well!

Anonymous said...

I'm a Pisces too. And I take all the time in the world to process things when I can! It's necessary, and so worth it. He's a cutie, and will one day be a breaker of many hearts.

Far Side of Fifty said...

It is wonderful that you and he are alike and that you are both good swimmers with your thoughts:)

Robynn's Ravings said...

What an insightful way to see into the heart of your grandson. How blessed he is to have a grandma who understands his silences and swims with him! You'll be a big comfort and influence in his life.

Boomer Pie. said...

Something very special about little grand boys...you just don't want them to grow up. Such a sweet moment you two share.

gayle said...

My husband takes a long time to answer a question and his anwsers are usually very good!!

K.Pete said...

I chew my lip too!!! And I can't help it so the honey always knows when I'm thinking or worried or sorting something out.

(And I'm a pisces too!) :)


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